Open Studio #2
La negazione della forma
Arnaldo Pomodoro tra minimalismo e controcultura
curated by Federico Giani
March 12, 2023 – May 19, 2024
Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Via Vigevano 9, Milan
The exhibition La negazione della forma. Arnaldo Pomodoro tra minimalismo e controcultura turns the spotlight on the period 1966-1970, an extremely lively season, during which Pomodoro developed an unprecedented experimentation with forms – influenced by phenomena such as the Minimal Art – giving life to groups of sculptures characterized by an extreme formal synthesis such as the Rotanti, the Forma X and Onda, the Vuoto pieno, but also to a series of brightly colored graphics, which recall the chromatic ranges favored by the Pop and of Op Art artists.
In these same years, Pomodoro is the protagonist of crucial and stimulating experiences, between the United States and Italy: he teaches on the Stanford and Berkeley campuses; he initiates and curates "counterculture" initiatives with other friends such as the avant-garde critical magazine Che Fare or the cycle of "public art" exhibitions Una scultura nella strada; he is a member of the organizing commission of the 1968 Venice Biennale…
The exhibition –curated by Federico Giani, curator of the Foundation – presents more than forty works by Pomodoro – including sculptures, graphics, multiples, drawings, models and prototypes –, a selection of archive materials, and some works by other artists – colleagues and students from American campuses – with whom the Maestro became friends in those years, such as Harold Paris, Sue Bitney, William T. Wileyand Stephen Laub.
La negazione della forma is the second appointment of Open Studio, the cycle of exhibitions set up in the spaces of the Studio of Arnaldo Pomodoro with which the Foundation explores and rediscovers works or moments of the artist's career.
intero 8 € / ridotto 5 € / gratuito per gli under 26, gli insegnanti, i soci della Fondazione, della Peggy Guggenheim Collection e di ICOM
Info and how to access the exhibition
When: every Saturday and Sunday from 28 October to 17 December 2023 and from 13 January to 19 May 2024, from 11am to 7pm (last entry half an hour before closing)
Where: entrance from the Foundation courtyard in Via Vigevano 9
Tickets: full €8 / reduced €5 / free for under 26 y.o., teachers, members of the Foundation, of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and of ICOM
Free guided tour of the exhibition: on opening days (Saturday and Sunday), at 11:30am, 3pm and 5pm (the visit is included in the entrance ticket)
The rooms of Studio Arnaldo Pomodoro are not entirely accessible to people with serious motor disabilities
Under the patronage of