Lost wax casting is a technique with ancient roots; born in the Bronze Age, it reached its peak in the sixteenth century, as it was described by Benvenuto Cellini in the "Treatise on Sculpture". Like many other contemporary sculptors, Arnaldo Pomodoro still follows this procedure to create his works. We'll enter the Fonderia artistica De Andreis to understand what happens when bronze sculptures come to life.
Guided tour
The Foundry
Discover the secrets of lost wax casting at the Fonderia Artistica De Andreis
Indicate the day and time slot of interest to check availability.
PayPal using this address info@fondazionearnaldopomodoro.it
or wire transfer IBAN: IT24H0200801604000003593724 Unicredit SpA, ag. 204.
Payee: Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro (cause: indicate first and last name or group name, title of the activity, place, date and time, if you have discounts please state the name).
Advanced payment is requested. Send bank receipt to c.montebello@fondazionearnaldopomodoro.it.
Info and
access methods
60 minutes
for groups max 20 people € 230/200 (see discounts)
Fonderia Artistica De Andreis / Via Volturno 67, Rozzano
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All participants will receive a stamped postcard which entitles them a free access to the exhibition in Arnaldo Pomodoro's Studio.
NOTE The rooms of the Studio Arnaldo Pomodoro where the exhibition takes place are not entirely accessible to people with serious motor disabilities. The laboratory and lounge are easy to access, while the passage to the office and planning room has steps.