Lost wax casting is a technique with ancient roots; born in the Bronze Age, it reached its peak in the sixteenth century, as it was described by Benvenuto Cellini in the "Treatise on Sculpture". Like many other contemporary sculptors, Arnaldo Pomodoro still follows this procedure to create his works. We'll enter the Fonderia artistica De Andreis to understand what happens when bronze sculptures come to life.
Guided tour
The Foundry
Scopriamo i segreti della fusione a cera persa nella Fonderia Artistica De Andreis / Via Volturno 67, Rozzano
Indicate the day and time slot of interest to check availability.
Info and
access methods
conoscere il lavoro della fonderia, seguire le procedure che accompagnano la realizzazione di un’opera in bronzo
gli studenti vengono accompagnati dall’operatore, insieme ai maestri della bottega, alla scoperta degli spazi di lavoro della fonderia
60 minutes
120 €
Fonderia Artistica De Andreis / Via Volturno 67, Rozzano
Note:the foundry opens its doors to students only on Saturday mornings at 10.30 am, date to be agreed.