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Videogioco analogico e digitale

Missione Pietrarubbia

Un gioco a squadre da fare in classe, composto da un videogioco e da mappe e carte di grande formato, basato su dinamiche di esplorazione e comunicazione proprie dell’escape game

Il a collaborative team game è ispirato all’archivio di Arnaldo Pomodoro, ambientato in una galassia immaginaria e in un tempo lontano in cui a classe deve affrontare sfide che richiedono l’uso di logica, intuizione, senso pratico e scambio di saperi. Il gioco, basato su dinamiche di esplorazione e comunicazione proprie dell’escape game, It takes place in the classroom and consists of a video game and large format cards and maps. Each player is called to compete with his own skills, in compliance with shared rules, through the ability to observe, listen and collaborate.

At the end of the game students will be introduced to the concept of the archive and the making of a personal archive made of objects, memories and experiences, in a dynamic of choices and awareness. The experience is accompanied by a «"log book"»conceived for teachers as a preparatory work tool for the game and with experiential and inspirational teaching cards, to be used during the school year to build a personal or class archive.

Realizzato in collaborazione con We Are Muesli

Missione Pietrarubbia è nato all’interno del più ampio progetto SMARTSCHOOLING

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video game (it is necessary that the classroom is equipped with an IWB or video projector), large format charts and maps, a logbook

a collaborative team game

strengthen and recognize personal skills and competences; introduce the themes of knowing how to play as a team and being able to positively affirm individual individuals within the group in self-awareness and one's identity.

the class is divided into five teams within their own classroom to play the game, at the end of which the topics covered are introduced through personal experience.

3 hours

170 € / riduzione 150 € se abbinato a 1 laboratorio oppure 1 visita guidata a scelta

in the classroom

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