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Visite e Laboratori per la Scuola dell’Infanzia

How does Arnaldo Pomodoro work? What techniques does he use? Do his works have a meaning?

Per scoprirlo possiamo scegliere di entrare nello studio di Arnaldo Pomodoro, dove progetta e realizza le sue sculture e le sue grafiche; oppure di esplorare il Labyrinththe large environmental sculpture built in the underground spaces of via Solari 35 in Milan.

The proposals are dedicated to the second and third year,since a certain independence in the management of materials and tools is required. Each proposal can be carried out as a single appointment or associated with others. The contents and methods of approaching the activities are declined on the basis of the age of the participants, but if you want to adapt them more to the needs of your class, do not hesitate to contact us at

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Sculpture workshop

La colata di gesso

Realizziamo un calco in gesso

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Graphics workshop

Pagina d’artista

Componiamo una pagina di forme e colori

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Papermaking laboratory

X Book

Costruiamo un minilibro

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Print workshop


Creiamo stampe uniche con la tecnica del monotipo

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Interactive guided tour only for last year students

The Magic of the Labyrinth

Andiamo a caccia di segni nel Labirinto di Arnaldo Pomodoro

Le visite guidate al Labirinto di Arnaldo Pomodoro sono sospese fino al 2025

Workshop according to Bruno Munari’s Method®

Magica carta

Manipulate paper in Arnaldo Pomodoro's studio. Only for last year students / via Vigevano 3, Milano

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